Sunday, March 29, 2020

Computer Science & Business: A Shift in the Model of Instruction

Computer Science & Business: A Shift in the Model of InstructionIn the world of computer science, chemical sciences, and management, we're currently undergoing a change in the style of instruction in college, with more emphasis on teaching by labs and lectures, and less on reading through textbooks. Meanwhile, business schools, law schools, medical schools, and MBA programs continue to place a high priority on syllabi, projects, and tests that are individually and collectively the centerpiece of instruction. The subject matter experts in every discipline want students to learn about labs, how to design laboratory experiments, and the controls used to provide accuracy.It's a good thing that they recognize the necessity for a new learning environment, since these considerations have led some business schools to provide greater resources for computer-assisted instruction. For instance, you can now take a full-length course in elementary to advanced nuclear chemistry, with all of the textbook material used in each lesson.In some cases, the shift away from textbook learning to an experiential learning style has led to similar shifts in corporate culture. At top-tier corporations, top executives have embraced the role of executive coaching, which means that they have directed their teams in ways that support knowledge creation in their activities and initiatives. For example, during a company retreat in Atlanta, I observed executives training their teams to use the internet to reach out to customers and find prospects and potential business.A more structured approach to instruction is now being applied at business schools. One notable shift is a shift away from lecturing to learning by doing, where students learn by doing, usually over the phone or online, and sometimes without much prior instruction or class time.The concept of learning by doing was first used by Waldorf educators in Germany during the Middle Ages, and they taught the technique of continual prac tice in secondary school education. But it had not been adopted at Harvard University and other top business schools, which prefer a linear approach, with group instruction, lectures, tests, and exams.That started to change when Nicholas Boyer of Princeton University, who is now the chair of Harvard Business School, took the initiative to study the way that business school students learn and the reasons why they forget material in their modules. He concluded that the concept of continual learning just didn't translate well into business schools, since business schools must be more specific about the kinds of material that they teach.It's a tough situation, since the business school professor can talk all day about the importance of continuously applying what he or she has learned to real-world applications, but if the students can't remember a particular lesson, they may assume that the professor is telling them to memorize. On the other hand, you can't force students to remember wh at they've learned, so your best option is to support the learning process by giving them the opportunity to apply what they've learned.So, if you're looking for a great career in computer science, perhaps it's time to think about adding a chapter to your textbook that teaches you about techniques for learning by doing. Or maybe you need to write a book report that includes work done with a hands-on, guided-learning program. No matter what kind of experience you want, there's a great program to get you there.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Media Freedom Around the World

Media Freedom Around the World Photo by Raymond Gliford on Not according to Reporters Without Borders, though. RWB, a non-profit dedicated to protecting freedom of information worldwide, ranks the U.S. at number 46 on their 2014 World Press Freedom Index, which analyzes the degree of freedom for journalists in 180 countries around the world. Among the U.S.’ neighbors are Romania at 45 and Haiti at 47. So why does the U.S. rank so low? According to RWB, the U.S.’ fall (last year, it ranked at 33) is mostly due to the prosecution of journalists’ sources, including the arrest  of Bradley Manning, primary source for the WikiLeaks case, as well as the 2013 Associated Press scandal, in which the Department of Justice revealed that they had been monitoring the company’s phone records. So who are the world leaders in freedom, really? Finland, taking the number one spot on the list, followed by the Netherlands, Norway, Luxembourg and Andorra. Northern Europe definitely has the U.S. beat in the freedom of press category, and their strong culture of free information has spread, to some extent, throughout the rest of the continent, with 31 of the top 50 countries on RWB’s list located in Europe. The countries that are the least free are mostly located in the Middle East and northern Africa, where the Syrian conflict has resulted in press crackdowns in numerous surrounding countries. Syria, which ranked 177th out of the 180 countries listed, has brought up many polarizing questions in the region, which has led to decreases in the rankings for other countries including Lebanon, which dropped four spots from last year, landing at 106th, and Iraq, which fell four spots to 153rd. The situation in Syria reflects a general trend for press freedom: armed conflict means stricter government regulation and more violence against journalists. Luckily, this trend has been gaining some attention in the international community, with the United Nations General Assembly recently adopting their first resolution on journalists’ safety. Also ranking lower on RWB’s list were countries in Eastern Europe and central Asia. Rounding out the bottom of the list were Eritrea at 180, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea at 179, Turkmenistan at 178 and Somalia at 176. Photo by Stefano Peroni on RWB isn’t the only organization that measures press freedom. A new report issued by Freedom House, an NGO that focuses on democracy, political freedom and human rights, shows that only 14 percent of the world’s population is living under a free press, while 42 percent live in countries that are partially free and 44 percent live in countries that are not free at all. Compare those numbers to last year’s statistics of 32 percent free, 35 percent partly free and 33 percent not free, and it’s clear that we are in a pretty grim situation. According to Freedom House, having an entirely free press means that there is adequate coverage of political news, journalists’ safety is guaranteed, government interference in the media is limited and the press isn’t limited by extreme economic or legal pressures. According to Freedom House’s data, press freedom around the world is at its lowest level in over a decade, a trend that is caused by declines in freedom in the Middle East and eastern Africa, as well as Turkey and Ukraine, both of which suffered major blows to freedom of information recently. The decline was also caused by lessening media freedom in more developed countries like the U.S. and the United Kingdom, where the governments’ focus on national security issues have begun to eclipse the need for freedom of information. Many of the declines in press freedom were seen in authoritarian countries, where increased protests have led to greater crackdowns on social media and the Internet. In many of these countries, print and television media is mainly state controlled, so the Internet is the main source of opposition news. Photo by Pablo Ruiz Musquiz on A greater crackdown on Internet usage can be seen in Russia, where opposition news sources are often shut down and replaced with more Kremlin-friendly sites, and China, where a new law penalizing bloggers has shut down many of the government’s online opponents. Russia and China, along with a number of other countries, have also restricted media freedom by limiting the number of foreign journalists allowed into their countries. While local reporters are held under strict control by the government, foreign reporters have much more freedom, and thus are more dangerous to the regime. Increased targeting of foreign journalists, through legal or illegal measures, has seriously restricted their ability to fairly and correctly report on events in other countries. Both of these reports paint a very negative picture of press freedom around the world. Press freedom is one of the most important factors in creating and maintaining democracy, and the worldwide decline is not something that should be taken lightly. Clearly, we’re not doing as well as we think we are, and, even in the more developed countries, there is still a lot of work to be done. True freedom of information is a difficult dream to attain, but we shouldn’t be getting less free as time goes on. Increasing media freedom around the world isn’t easy, but it’s something that needs to happen, and soon.

How to Raise a Happy Child - Aloha Mind Math USA - ALOHA Mind Math

How to Raise a Happy Child USA Parenting is not only the most gratifying job in the whole world, but also challenging and demanding. While parents always strive to do their best for their children, most of the time they tend to miss out on the key aspects of raising a happy and confident child. Here are some steps parents can take while raising a happy child. Understand your child Every child is born with a unique temperament and a natural way of interacting with people or responding to situations. Parents can observe their child’s temperaments as early as a few months after birth. Try to understand your child and tailor your discipline style and expectations to what works for your child. Be sensitive to your child’s temperament. Talk to your child everyday Spend time talking with your children. Spend a few minutes every day letting your child talk to you about his or her day and ask them questions to show you are interested Include them in your life by telling them about your day too. Spend Quality Time Pick out their favourite activities such as a sport, a movie, a hobby, a walk in the park, or anything else that will help you bond with your child. The outdoors is a great teacher and children who are allowed to explore and play outside gain confidence and a sense of being centered in the world. Learn through Mistakes When your child is learning something, allow them to make mistakes. Let your kids fail once in a while, although this is difficult, they will learn what failure feels like and how to deal with it. The next time around they will learn to get things right. Create Family Rituals Family rituals help busy families reconnect to each other and create a sense of stability and comfort that’s crucial for your child’s self-esteem. Incorporate rituals that are simple, like having dinner together every night, watching a movie over the weekends, or anything else that makes you bond together. Support Them Support your children when they need you, and let them know you believe in them. By being a support for your kids through the tough times, they will know they have someone to look up to and someone to empower them by showing confidence in their judgment and abilities. Simple things make a big difference. Parents don’t need to spend a lot of money or read a dozen parenting books to give their child things. All parents need is to lay the foundation for a loving home and an absolute sense of trust with each other to raise a happy and confident child. Get to know more about ALOHA by visiting our website for further information

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How Can a Sat Writing Tutor Improve Your Writing Skills?

How Can a Sat Writing Tutor Improve Your Writing Skills?A genuine, credible and accredited writing tutor is very important to the success of students who want to go for higher studies. It is quite true that with the help of a good tutor, students can significantly improve their writing skills. The latter can drastically change the attitude of students towards writing and make them realise how important the art of writing is.High achievers enjoy the sense of accomplishment while writing their papers. Therefore, for the same reason, students who have been unsuccessful in writing will find it difficult to get rid of their writing problems. A good tutor is needed to assist them in writing.It is a very tough task for the students to clear their written assignments in a rigorous syllabus. However, with the help of a good tutor, students can maintain their academic standing by writing fast. In such cases, good tutors can help students to tackle the pressure and at the same time provide them an opportunity to write better. Although, the difficulty of the assignments can be easily overcome by students, they still need the assistance of good writers to effectively clear their papers.A successful sat writing tutor is one who is well-known among the students. A tutor who is not known by the students, would not be able to give any proper guidance or instruction regarding the particular subject he or she is teaching. Therefore, the selection of a good tutor is very important.There are many reputable institutes who hire writing tutors. The students can have their choice of which institute to go to. However, if the students are concerned about the fees that they would have to pay, then it is advisable that they go to some trusted institutions and get the best writing tutor in the area.Students should consult their tutors prior to the study session so that they can ascertain the requirements of the students. The tutor should know the habits and techniques of the students. This will enable the tutor to improve his writing techniques and at the same time provide the students with a better understanding of writing and its importance.Tutors are expected to excel with the help of the students and be as authentic as possible. Hence, students should carefully choose a writing tutor so that they can have all the necessary elements required to write a good essay. As soon as a student comes to know about the qualities of a writing tutor, he or she should start the search immediately.

How it Works

How it WorksAn Online Tutoring company is able to compete with some of the top tutoring services because of how it works. The biggest advantage of an Online Tutoring company is that they are completely dedicated to each client and their interests. They would not take advantage of their clients because they are not interested in the lessons, and they would make the learning experience totally comfortable for each student.Taught tutoring is the process of teaching a child the lesson, while the student gets training and other forms of education. Since tutoring is basically the application of what is taught in school, learning through tutoring is much more efficient than if the tutor was to teach the student directly. To use the term 'taught' in the context of tutoring, means the tutor has learned the entire subject matter and all the fundamentals of the subject matter. In other words, when tutoring, there are also two people who are teaching the students, in order to teach the students what is taught in school or in tutoring.To make learning from an Online Tutoring company much more effective, the student is not required to memorize what is taught in school. Rather, there is the presence of two individuals who teach the student through real life experiences, which include practical work, so the student can learn faster and easier. The virtual classroom allows the student to view the lesson through different lenses, to get an ideal learning experience, and to do it even faster.An Online Tutoring company is not like any other tutoring organization. These companies have trained tutors, who are very passionate about learning. They are equipped with the capability to give lectures on the same subject, which includes topics such as foreign languages, math, arts, music, English, and so on. The online tutoring company makes use of such equipment as video and audio tracks, CD-ROMs, special software, as well as computers, to help the students learn.The tutors at an Online T utoring Company make use of the technology in order to make it possible for their students to learn from wherever they are. It's not just the internet they use, but also their audio and video equipment as well. It is a proven fact that students who learn better through the online learning facility are able to retain the information better and have a higher level of retention.Tutoring is more effective if the students don't feel that they are being rushed. In a regular classroom setting, it is not a problem because the student is able to see their teacher, he or she is always being held accountable for every aspect of the lesson. However, in the case of tutoring, the student is only being held accountable for the lessons which he or she had received. In many cases, students feel that they are being held accountable for the whole lesson, which is not the case.The biggest advantage of an Online Tutoring company is the fact that their students are fully involved. They have the option to choose from the various tutoring sessions available, and if there is one that fits the requirement of the student, then the student can opt for it. In this way, the student can select the tutor which he or she feels would be most suitable. This gives a student the freedom to select the right tutor for the subject.

Learning to Draw Beaches

Learning to Draw Beaches How to Draw a Beach ChaptersDrawing a Beach: Observing a BeachWhat Techniques Should You Use to Draw a Beach?Where to Begin when Drawing a BeachTutorials for Drawing a BeachTeaching Yourself to Draw a BeachGetting Lessons to Learn How to Draw Beaches“Every artist was first an amateur” - Ralph Waldo EmersonArt is a way to express and feel emotions. More and more people are becoming interested in buying art. It just goes to show that people are still interested in art.But how many of them take that first step and attend an art class to learn how to draw?To start drawing, let’s learn how to draw a beach. FernandoDrawing Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EmmaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidDrawing Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenDrawing Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Julia janeDra wing Teacher 5.00 (5) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EvelinaDrawing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ZangmoDrawing Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsDrawing a Beach: Observing a BeachWith soft sand, sunsets, waves, seashells, etc., beaches are idyllic and picturesque. Most artists and painters will have drawn a beach at some point in their career. Before you draw a beach, just sit down and look at it. (Source: Pexels)So where can you start?The most important thing when drawing a beach, or any other landscape for that matter, is to take the time to observe it. This can be the most enjoyable part of the process. Be it in front of a real beach or just a reference photo, take the time to enjoy the details of the landscape.The more you do this, the more you’ll identify within in the image and the more realistic your subsequent sketch will be. You may notice a small rock, an animal, the waves, whatever, so don’t hesitate to draw them to bring your drawing life.Taking the time to observe your subject matter is essential when learning to draw. This will help your brain to transcribe what it sees into marks on a page with your hand. Your hand is a tool for drawing, just like a pencil or brush. Real art happens in your brain which is why you need to focus on what you’re drawing.By looking at your landscape, you’ll start to notic e details that you missed on your first glance. This is why you need to take your time and practise drawing.What Techniques Should You Use to Draw a Beach?With pastels, charcoal, Indian ink, markers, coloured pencils, etc., you’re spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing what to create art with. You need to develop an affinity with your materials. The artist needs to feel at ease with their chosen medium. It's always a good idea to start with a sketch. (Source: MustangJoe)If you always use charcoal, don’t try to change things up when you first start. After that, with a bit of practice, you can try other materials like gouache or watercolours.For beginners, you might want to start with pencils. It’s practical but constraining. Don’t worry about making large marks on the paper. Just don’t press down too hard.To colour your drawing, watercolours are often used by travellers as they’re small and light. With watercolours, you want to start with the lighter shades and darken until you get the desired colour. It’s quite forgiving as a medium, too, so if you make mistakes you can correct them quite easily.Of course, you can always use another medium to make your picture of a beach. The goal is to enjoy yourself, after all. Oil painting, for example, takes a lot more equipment and wouldn’t be very practical for taking to a beach. FernandoDrawing Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EmmaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidDrawing Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenDrawing Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Julia janeDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EvelinaDrawing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ZangmoDrawing Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhere to Begin when Drawing a BeachDrawing any landscape starts with adding the most important elements onto your paper or canvas. In the case of a beach, start by separated the sea, sand, and sky. Think about adding the larger elements to the drawing. These might be rocks, the edge of the beach, or a boat, for example. Preparation is key when it comes to drawing. (Source: kordi_vahle)Start with a sketch. You can use your sketch to plan out the important lines for your final drawing. To do a good sketch, don’t hesitate to make lots of marks and don’t worry about making mistakes. This is what the sketch is for. Don’t worry too much about having to rub out a lot of your work, too. The mistakes are all part of the process.Once you have your sketch, you can then move onto to going back over the important marks. This is known as inking and it’s a very important part of the process in comic books and illustration, for example.You can go other the important lines with a pen, Indian ink, or another medium. This will make things clearer. Once you’ve gone back over the lines you want to keep, you can use a rubber to erase the lines you made with a pencil.To get the most out of your drawing, you need to work on the lighting and shadows. You can contrast the light and dark areas by cross-hatching, sha ding, or using colour.You don’t have to use colours, though. You can always leave your drawing as a sketch or simply ink it.That said, if you’re doing a sunrise or sunset, you might need colour to convey it. Reds and yellows contrast beautifully against the blue of the sea. That said, the colours don’t need to be accurate to real-life but rather need to convey the feeling of the scene.Try drawing houses.Tutorials for Drawing a BeachDrawing is an activity for all the senses, not just the eyes. Some artists can draw by feeling and don’t need to observe as much as others when drawing landscapes like a beach. Beginners, however, may enjoy following the steps before they feel comfortable letting go.This is where tutorials can be useful. Today, there are plenty of drawing tutorials to guide you through the steps, especially on YouTube. You can watch a video while learning to draw. Similarly, Instagram and Pinterest are useful for finding artists for inspiration.A quick search for “beach”, “sea”, and “drawing” will help you find what you’re looking for. Some users speed up the process so you can quickly see what you need to do. In other cases, they’ll highlight important steps and break them down for you.These social networks are also useful for finding pictures that other artists have done. You can use them as a reference, try to reproduce them, or copy elements from them that you like.As you’ll have probably understood, the internet is a great resource for finding inspiration as an artist.Learn how to draw gardens and parks.Teaching Yourself to Draw a BeachIt’s quite common for artists to teach themselves. Drawing can be quite a solitary pursuit and takes very little equipment and a lot of imagination. This means that it’s quite easy to teach yourself certain techniques. If you're struggling to teach yourself how to draw a beach, you can always get in touch with a private tutor. (Source: michasager)Of course, you need to be rigorous if you want to make any real progress. Professional artists and illustrators will practise drawing no less than 10 or 15 minutes every day just to stay sharp. This is a habit you might want to pick up. Drawing regularly will help you train your eyes. Even if it’s just a bit of colouring, this can help you develop a sense of colour theory.You can also work on various techniques throughout the week: colouring, sketching, observation, etc.Why not put together a training routine?You might want to practise drawing animals, too, as you may see a few of them on the beach.You could even organise sessions with your kids if you’re sick of drawing dinosaurs, Tinker Bell, or Snow White. Thus, you can learn to draw and spend some rewarding time with your children.Find out how to draw mountains.Getting Lessons to Learn How to Draw BeachesPrivate tutorials, art courses, workshops, etc. There are plenty of different ways to learn how to draw and the basics of drawing like perspective, light and shadow, proportion, still life, or life drawing. When it comes to drawing lessons, you can get a teacher to help you draw your beaches.Art courses in the field are great for learning how to draw landscapes and nature. In addition to enjoying the sea air, you can also see all the details in the flesh.So how do you draw people, the human body, basic shapes, vegetation, or animals?Drawing courses can help you draw a beach as well as anything else you can imagine.Another advantage is that the teacher will provide the materials in many cases. This means you don’t have to spend a small fortune investing in art supplies. Learning to draw needs to be enjoyable, first and foremost! So have fun!If you need more help with drawing, consider getting in touch with the talented and experienced tutors on Superprof. You can get either face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, or group tutorials. Each comes with its pros and cons so take your time when deciding what's right for you, your learning style, and your budget. Face-to-face tutorials are more cost-effective but also more costly while group tutorials tend to be cheaper but you won't get as much one-on-one time with your tutor.

How Social Media Affects College Admissions

How Social Media Affects College Admissions Years ago, personal essays, interviews, and grades mattered most in college admissions. Today, however, there is another factor that plays a role in your chances of getting into college: your social media profiles. Social media can affect college admissions in both positive and negative ways. Oftentimes, students post items that they dont realize might be controversial. But in a time when admissions counselors may check out your social media identity, its vital to exercise smart thinking when posting online. Now that you know admissions counselors are looking at your online profiles, how exactly does social media influence your chances of getting into college? Read on to find out which of your social media posts may affect your college admissions. [RELATED: What College Students Should Know About Social Media] Social media posts that can bolster your college admissions chances Community participation Social media posts that convey your commitment to building a positive community within your high school or neighborhood can create a great impression, as admissions counselors hope to see that you will be a meaningful part of their campus communities. Examples can include: Instagram photographs of you working to create a club or program that opens space for communication or artistic expression. Twitter posts to increase participation in your group. Academic or extracurricular awards Pictures or a description of an award you received but didnt mention in your application may positively affect your impression on admissions counselors. Even if you did mention these awards in your application, posts on social media that reference them can reinforce your dedication to your education. Unique accomplishments Have you founded your own business or completed a large research project? Social media posts about your unique accomplishments will likely helpnot hurtyour chances of college admission. [RELATED: 3 Questions to Ask Your Guidance Counselor About College] Social media posts that can harm your college admissions chances Discrimination Racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination can greatly harm your college admissions chances. They suggest that you are capable of intolerancesomething that is unwelcome on college campuses. Illegal activity Many college applications include a section that asks about previous arrests or criminal activity. If you lie about your history of illegal activity, the college or university may rescind your application. In recent years, it has become more common for people with criminal histories to share their stories on social media in order to dissuade others from illegal activity. While this can be a form of healing, admissions counselors may view it unfavorably if you fail to disclose this past on your application. In addition, posting photographs with alcohol or drugs will reflect very poorly on you. Violence Posting pictures or videos with weapons, violent language, or threats is a massive red flag to admissions counselors. Remember that college campuses are meant to be places of peace and inclusion. [RELATED: What to Do After Youve Submitted Your College Applications] The bottom line on social media and college admissions Not all admissions counselors scan students social media pages as part of the application process. However, with an immense number of college applicants using social media, some admissions counselors do turn to it for additional information when vetting applications. Take note of the above tips to ensure your social media posts help your chances of getting into college. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at